Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Shaking off the rust

It’s been a while since I had to file a story immediately. I hadn’t done it since football season, when Missouri lost at Georgia, 9-6. My story had to be in before the game officially ended, so I’m used to tight deadlines. But that was almost half a year ago. Writing quick stories off of two Royals-White Sox games, both of which ended with late rallies — every sportswriter’s nightmare — was fun, even if my first story wasn’t great. (I did like my second one quite a bit, though there are certainly tweaks I would make had we done a writethru.) I’m glad we covered both games and I’m glad to be getting the practice I am before starting my internship. (Also, Kauffman Stadium was pretty cool. And eating at Arthur Bryant’s is never a bad thing.) -- Aaron Reiss

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