Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Outsiders just don't understand

Hey Canaan, you want to go to the movies tonight? What are you doing today; you want to play 2k? Are you free to hangout today? These are the questions I receive on a daily basis. This isn't even all of them. The life of a journalist is hard to explain to the college student majoring in a different field. The work we have to do that requires time withdraws from my social life. As a journalist, you make time for who you want. Our time requires interviewing people, studying people, researching, learning ideas, developing ideas, knowing all news, writing, writing, and more writing. That is a part of our 24-hour routine. Balancing out the time between being a professional and my age can be a big challenge. Friends that you grow up with, doesn't always grow with you. Being a sports journalist been in my blood since the first time I saw Stuart Scott on SportsCenter back when I was in fifth grade. Not until college was when I found out the drive that every young journalist needs to have to be as great as the famous Stu Scott. When the pieces come together, whenever that may be, and my path starts to unfold, the friends that you have in college may not matter anymore. So to you, all the outsiders of journalism all across the land, there is limited time for social life and only journalist will understand. -- Canaan Cadwell

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